Opens the Kernel Security Device Driver (KsecDD) of Windows "java.exe" touched file "%WINDIR%\Globalization\Sorting\s" "java.exe" touched file "%WINDIR%\system32\tzres.dll" "" touched file "%WINDIR%\Fonts\tahomabd.ttf" "" touched file "%WINDIR%\Fonts\tahoma.ttf" "" touched file "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Templates" "" touched file "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" "" touched file "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo" "" touched file "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" "" touched file "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu" "" touched file "%WINDIR%\system32\rsaenh.dll" "" touched file "%WINDIR%\Fonts\staticcache.dat" "" touched file "%WINDIR%\system32\en-US\" "" touched file "%WINDIR%\Globalization\Sorting\s" "" touched file "%WINDIR%\system32\tzres.dll" "i4j_extf_5_10crb1q_is820f.png" has type "PNG image data 44 x 40 8-bit colormap non-interlaced" "MessagesDefault" has type "ASCII text with very long lines" "user.jar" has type "Zip archive data at least v1.0 to extract" "i4j_extf_3_10crb1q_1u4yyuv.ico" has type "MS Windows icon resource - 1 icon" "i4j_extf_0_10crb1q.utf8" has type "UTF-8 Unicode text with very long lines" "e4j43F.tmp" has type "ASCII text with CRLF line terminators" "i4jruntime.jar" has type "Java Jar file data (zip)" "i4j_extf_2_10crb1q.gif" has type "GIF image data version 89a 44 x 40" "installer.ico" has type "MS Windows icon resource - 4 icons 16x16 256-colors" "i4j_log_Informativas_6807362789173777405.log" has type "ASCII text with CRLF line terminators" "stats.properties" has type "ASCII text with very long lines with CRLF line terminators" "i4j_extf_4_10crb1q.ICO" has type "MS Windows icon resource - 1 icon" "i4j_extf_1_10crb1q.utf8" has type "UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text with very long lines" "i4j_nlog_1.log" has type "C++ source UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text with CRLF line terminators"