Parks and recreation ddl
Parks and recreation ddl

parks and recreation ddl

MCM 4 Construction Site Stormwater Control - site plan review procedures & items to evaluate, construction site inspection procedures and inspection checklists, and documentation of site plan reviews.MCM 3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination - regulatory mechanism to prohibit illicit discharges, illicit discharge recognition training, procedures for investigating, locating, and eliminating the source of illicit discharges, and spill response procedures.

parks and recreation ddl parks and recreation ddl parks and recreation ddl

MCM 2 Public Participation/Involvement - examples of how to document events held.MCM 1 Public Education and Outreach - public education outreach materials, public education implementation plan, examples of how to document outreach activities, and examples of outreach materials.To find what you're looking for, enter the minimum control measure (MCM) section below that corresponds to the area in which you need assistance. If you have questions about any of the documents, please contact MPCA MS4 staff. IMPORTANT NOTE: Some of the documents in the DDL may not meet the minimum requirements in the new 2020 MS4 General Permit. We believe that having example documents will reduce the resources (staff time, financial, etc.) required to implement effective SWPPPs. MPCA staff have reviewed all materials to ensure their compliance with the 2013 MS4 General Permit prior to posting. In the DDL, you'll find inspection checklists and forms, site plan review checklists, documentation tracking mechanisms, standard operating procedures, photos/graphics, and many more useful materials to help you implement your SWPPP.ĭocuments in the DDL are available to all site users for download and use. The DDL is a space for stormwater program staff to store and circulate example documents that are being used to manage stormwater pollution prevention programs (SWPPPs). Welcome to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's (MPCA) municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) Digital Document Library (DDL). 2 Search by minimum control measure (MCM).

Parks and recreation ddl